The most effective ways to lose weight fast

exercise for weight loss

Every woman with overweight problems wants to find the fastest way to lose weight. But in pursuit of a miracle, many forget that being overweight is primarily a medical problem, and secondly an aesthetic problem. Unfortunately, this has unpleasant side effects, from weight gain to indigestion and hospitalization.

Therefore, if the question "to lose weight or not to lose weight" is no longer a question, but a necessity, the first step is to design the correct strategy in the fight against weight and excess volume.

In this article, we bring to your attention a summary of relatively quick ways to lose weight - like the ones you should not resort to (this can only be done at your own risk and as a risk, as a last resort), and those that work without dangerous consequences.

Ways to lose weight fast, which are better not to use

So here are the top 10 killer ways for your body to lose weight fast:

  • Uria.
  • Dietary supplements and teas for weight loss.
  • Express diet.
  • Mono diet.
  • Protein diets.
  • Vegetarian diets.
  • Improper sports loads.
  • Diets with a high calorie restriction, especially regardless of food composition.
  • "Do not eat after 6" or limit food intake.
  • "Summer" diets and alcohol consumption (as well as smoking).

Fasting is ineffective for weight loss for several reasons. First, the body will lose fluids in the first place, and fats in the end. Second, fasting slows down your metabolism. When you break out of fasting, a slow metabolism will result in rapid weight gain as soon as you start eating. An effective way to quickly lose weight and discharge after the holidays can be short-term fasting, 1-2 days. And then, after that, the way out of fasting has to be correct, gradual.

Supplements, at best, will be a harmless placebo, vitamin supplements, fiber and probiotics. Then they can only help you lose weight. At worst, these are medications that affect the hormonal background. The consequences are unpredictable. Such drugs can only be prescribed by endocrinologists and nutritionists after testing and diagnosis. They are usually prescribed for second degree overweight and above.

Express diets cause the body to lose weight mainly through muscle and water, just like fasting. It all ends with weight gain after dieting.

Mono-diets are harmful because the body does not get the necessary vitamins and minerals, and this leads to fatigue, poor health and aggravation of various diseases. The risk of losing weight and gaining pounds again after such diets is also very high. They make sense if it is a watermelon-like diet for a day to cleanse the kidneys. But still, this can not be seen as a way to lose weight quickly and effectively.

Protein diets are dangerous because many people take them literally, eating a lot of meat and thus raising cholesterol levels. Foods should be balanced in terms of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. It makes sense to increase the amount of protein in your diet if you decide to exercise, especially cardio. They help prevent muscle breakdown during exercise.

Vegetarian diets are the opposite of protein diets. Even more dangerous is that the body does not get enough protein and essential substances contained in meat and fish (for example, the same omega-3 fatty acids). As a result, muscles are destroyed, appearance deteriorates and various diseases develop due to lack of B vitamins. This is also not the most effective way to lose weight fast.

Inadequate sports loads are irregular or very strenuous activities for the physical fitness available. They can cause injuries. And if you combine them with diets, then the body will not get the necessary nutrition, which will lead to the same effect as the use of protein diets - the destruction of muscle tissue. At first, it is invisible, but in the future this process is fraught with such unpleasant consequences as convulsions, convulsions, displacement. And training in this case ceases to be effective as a way to lose weight fast. Although if you plan an exercise program correctly, then weight loss is guaranteed.

Calorie restricted diets. It makes sense if the calorie limit is minus 200, maximum 500 Kcal per day from daily calorie intake. That's enough for weight loss. The minimum calories per day for women is 1200, for men - 1500 Kcal. This is the rate of rest, i. e. in the literal sense, when "lying and not moving. "Usually the rate of calories per day for the average city dweller is 2000-2800 Kcal, but it is better to calculate it your own, individually. The body will definitely feel the change and decide that the time of hunger has come. Further, the scenario will be the same as during the fast.

Irregular meals and ban on evening meals. This prohibition is based on the fact that it is better to sleep on an empty stomach because it should also rest. In fact, you should eat 4-5 times a day. Three times - full, 2 times - snack. At night, you can also have a snack: a glass of milk or kefir, fruit. . . You should not eat heavy food, yes. And it is better not to fall asleep on an empty stomach. This usually ends with a visit to a gastroenterologist.

Alcohol and diet. Alcohol is quite high in calories per se. In addition, it upsets the balance of fluid removal from the body and aggravates the liver. In fact, it is a slow body intoxication, as is the case with smoking. And it absolutely does not fit into sports. If you want to lose weight fast, you will have to forget about alcohol and cigarettes.

Effective way to lose weight fast

slimming exercises

And now let’s look at the really working ways and at the same time the fastest ways to lose weight (it is worth noting that they should be used in combination, each of them separately, if the rest is not followed, will nothelp to get rid of excess weight quickly):

  • Drink at least 2 liters of water a day. One and a half liters is ordinary plain water and the rest of the juice should come to the body from fruits, vegetables, herbal teas and herbs (ginger, parsley, lettuce).
  • Four meals a day and necessarily 3 times a day - vegetables and fruits.
  • Refusal from alcohol and cigarettes.
  • Calcium, fiber, probiotics, proteins and vitamins should all come from food, not synthetic supplements.
  • No - fat-free foods.
  • Reduce the amount of salt.
  • 250 Kcal - burn with exercise, 250 Kcal - wait from the menu (after calculating the individual intake of daily calories).

So, the most effective way to lose weight quickly, effectively and without unpleasant consequences can be called a well-chosen exercise system in combination with the right diet. Choose specific sets of exercises for weight loss, monitor your diet and do not be guided by the numbers indicated by the scales, but by the centimeter bar indicators.